We Can Be Real

Building Resilience in the Face of Adversity

August 17, 2023 Ellen Schweitzer Episode 14

I wasn’t the most resilient when I was younger, often caving under pressure and turning to food and weed to cope with the struggles in my lfie. As I got older, I found my resilience out of the necessity of caring for the people that I loved and my resilience grew from there. This week on We Can Be Real I’m talking about building resilience in the face of adversity.

In this episode, I discuss:

  • The first time I really had to be resilient in life as a newly divorced mother of two.
  • How my resilience built upon itself and came second nature to me over time. 
  • Traits and characteristics of resilient people.
  • Advice you can take today to start facing adversity in your life and building resilience. 

Is there something you’re struggling with? Send me a DM and let’s chat. 

If you enjoyed this episode don’t forget to follow, rate, and review the podcast and tell me what resonated with you.


